Alberto Faucci

Alberto Faucci

Private practitioner and owner in Dental Trauma Center in Savona (Italy). Cofounder of IASMED


Graduated in Dentistry in 1991, post-graduated in Periodontology Surgery and Implantology
(1993), Restorative Dentistry (1994), Dental Traumatology (2011) and Sport Dentistry (2013).
Visiting professor of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Chieti-Pescara in 2004.
Visiting professor of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Genova from 2006 to 2011.
An active member of S.I.O.S. “Società Italiana di Odontoiatria dello Sport”.
Lecturer in national and international sports dentistry, dental traumatology and implantology
He’s actually developing instrumental and electromyografic ways to control the balanced
occlusion with bites and mouthguards in elite athletes, especially in motorbike, swimming,
waterpolo, football and ultratrail, during their activity.
Private practitioner and owner in Dental Trauma Center in Savona (Italy). Cofounder of IASMED